Understanding Free Radicals And Antioxidants
What are Antioxidants?
Free radicals and disease?
Highly recommended antioxidant supplements - Neways Revenol
The most potent antioxidant supplement of the Neways Revenol range is called Cascading Revenol
What are free radicals?
Free radicals are a by-product of normal cell function. When cells create energy, they also produce unstable oxygen molecules. These molecules, called free radicals, have a missing electron. This electron makes the molecule highly unstable and they are highly dangerous left to their own devices. The free radical bonds to healthy molecules stealing their electron, thus making the healthy cell into a free radical. Normally the body is able to deal with this natural process when a variety of antioxidants are abundant in our daily diet. However due to today's lifestyles most of us are producing far too many free radicals for the normal body processes to cope with. Free radicals are produced in the body upon exposure to stress, cigarette smoke, alcohol, toxins found in personal care products, pesticides in foods, radiation from the sun, viruses, germs or fungi etc.
What are antioxidants?
Antioxidants protect cells from damage caused by unstable molecules known as free radicals. Antioxidant nutrients are naturally found in a varied diet of unprocessed grains, vegetables and fruit. These antioxidant nutrients include vitamins A, C, E and several of the B vitamins, the minerals selenium, copper and zinc, bioflavonoids and various antioxidant enzymes. High concentrations of these antioxidant nutrients are found in wheat and barley grass, sprouts and dark green vegetables. Fruit is another good source of antioxidants the best being blueberries, blackberries and strawberries. The body uses antioxidants to soak up free radicals like sponges. If your body has plenty of antioxidants available, it can minimize the damage caused by free radicals.
Free radicals and disease?
Whenfree radicals overcome our body's ability to neutralise them, they attack the body itself. As a result free radicals disturb the action of cellular DNA, which directs key cellular activities. Cells with damaged DNA stagnate and are prone to developing cancer and growths. This kind of damage also accelerates the aging process, directly causing wrinkles and age spots and severely taxing the immune system. Other diseases such as heart disease, atherosclerosis, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, inflammatory joint disease and degenerative eye disease to name a few are also attributed to free radicals. Different antioxidants work in different areas of the body, so the key is to eat as wide a range of antioxidants as possible. This means eating fruit and vegetables of different types and different colours and consider taking a broad-spectrum antioxidant supplement. Antioxidant supplementation of our diet is needed to ensure a more healthy elderly population. I would highly recommend Neways Revenol and Neways Cascading Revenol.
Highly recommended antioxidant supplements - Neways Revenol
Science tells us that vitamin A, C, and E, as well as beta-carotene and other antioxidant bioflavonoids, are vitally important to good health. But there are antioxidant supplements around now that have many more times the power of Vitamin C and Vitamin E. The Neways product Revenol contains antioxidants that are broad-spectrum.
- Revenol contains antioxidants from martime pine bark and grape seed pycnogenols extracts - up to 95% in concentration and bio available.
- Revenol also contains curcuminoids, natures most powerful and aggressive antioxidant, which is around 150 times more powerful than Vitamin E, about 60 times more powerful than Vitamin C, and about 3 times more powerful than antioxidants from martime bark and grape seed pycnogenols extracts in neutralising harmful oxidation elements in our bodies.
- Each tablet of Revenol antioxidants supplies over 60 milligrams of curcuminoids and martime bark and grape seed extract.
- Revenol also contains ginkgo biloba for the brain and circulatory system; alpha and beta-carotene to increase potency; esterfied Vitamin C - a bonded form of Vitamin C that increases its power and residual retention in the body (up to 3 days)
- Natural Vitamin E for greater absorption and effectiveness.
- Revenol antioxidants also contain Micro-spheres which bond to the intestinal wall, allowing up to 400% more of the ingredients to be digested and absorbed.
The most potent antioxidant supplement of the Neways Revenol range is called Cascading Revenol
Neways have released an exciting, further version of Revenol, called Cascading Revenol. Oxidation elements or free radicals are unstable molecules hungry to scavenge additional electrons, there by damaging healthy cells. These factors are especially dangerous to cancer sufferers. Antioxidants such as Vitamin C can help prevent the damage caused by free radicals by completing their compounds, thus rendering them inert. The problem is, after having entered the body, most antioxidant molecular structures will grab one free radical and then change into an inert state, ceasing to be of further radical-scavenging value. The additional problem is that even when an antioxidant neutralises a free radical, the process creates an off-shoot free radical that is slightly different and less potent in variety, which in turn creates another, and so on. Typical antioxidants have linear application and thus shows no ability to address this free radical cascading effect.
However Cascading revenol's advanced formulation has been designed to regenerate these scavenging molecules so that they can neutralise multiple free radicals. So instead of only one free radical being destroyed per antioxidant molecule, each molecule is able to change structure and repeat the process again and again. Thus the value of each individual antioxidant molecule increases exponentially, making this one of the most powerful antioxidant supplements on the market today. Cascading Revenol's unique action is devastating to the free radical onslaught that is responsible for many diseases today, especially cancer and is an essential component in any nutritional support programme.
Neways Advanced Probiotics
Neways Advanced Probiotics has proven to be one of the most powerful probiotics on the market today. Not just because of the five strains of beneficial bacteria (2.88 billion viable cells per capsule) but also because these probiotics contain L-Glutamine. L-Glutamine repairs the gut wall and is a source of fuel for white blood cells and cells lining the intestines.
Buy Probiotics